Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Tao

I believe the most important part of the Tao to be the Law of General Beneficence, as all the other laws seem to have been created from it. The Law of General Beneficence is the most simplistic of the laws, and thus can be understood by all reasonable beings. It calls us to not only refrain from harming another person, but also to keep that person in our hearts and be good to them. The Law also calls us to be understanding towards each other, which is of great importance when studying morality. This is because in order to judge and act as completely right or wrong, we must first look at the person who committed the act and their intentions for doing so.

One concept that could be added to the Tao is the Law of Mutual Respect, which would call for tolerance among mankind. This Law would state that you cannot expect others to think like you do, or hold it against them when the do not. I believe it should be a part of the Tao because many a civilization has been torn apart by those who seek to purge the world of those who see things differently than they do. With a law in place that keeps people tolerant of each other, that would be less likely to happen.

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