Thursday, October 1, 2009


Nathaniel Burns-Sarno
Advanced Placement English/ Mr. George
October 2, 2009
Marriage Proposal
I suppose you are wondering why I have requested your company tonight. As you well know by now, it is a rare occurrence, that I would be the one to arrange any sort of private meeting. You always were the more direct of the two of us, while I played the part of the observer. Looking back, I regret the role. Were it not for you, I would have been trapped in a never-ending reprisal. I remember the day that I first laid eyes on you. Before that day, I had never seen someone so beautiful, so humble, so gentle. In my eyes, you were a turtle-dove. I, on the other hand, was just a turtle. I cannot imagine what would cause a Venus like you to even spare me a second glance. Yet, I thank God every day that you did. I owe everything that I am today to the kindness that you showed me. It was only after meeting you that I could turn observation into experience. It was only after meeting you that I knew desire.
We have known each other for what have been the greatest years of my life. You opened my eyes to a beautiful world and taught me how to live without fear. I have treasured every experience we’ve shared, no matter how small.
For the first time in my life, I was actually happy. With you by my side, I could discover who I truly was. But with new discoveries came great pain. For I knew that the moment I was forced to be away from you, I would return to being nothing. It tore me up inside. I couldn’t explain why, but the thought of losing you filled me with even more desires. I’d been avoiding you to search for ways of coping. I searched everywhere for happiness, but found it nowhere. And it didn’t make any sense to me. Alone, I relived all that I had done with you, and received no enjoyment out of it. My searching made me realize something; it wasn’t because of my newfound confidence that I was happy. That is why I have asked you out tonight. I believe I finally may have found what I was looking for all along. I now know what I had desired all that time; you.
Through the years, I have felt an irresistible force drawing me to you, ensnaring me in a glorious feeling of ecstasy. Your unwavering loyalty in the face of my rudeness and desire for my companionship tells me that you must feel it as well. And even if the feeling does not exist in your heart, I must speak these words; I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, for as long as sun turns to moon, for eternity. And even though I know I am unworthy of your hand, I pray that you will accept me, just as you did many years ago.
I know how you must resent my previous reluctance, but I assure you that your contempt for it was not nearly as violent as mine. I am ready to redeem myself for my ignorance, and start life anew. A life I cannot have without you beside me. I once desired the world, but no longer. Now I see. It’s enough for this restless wanderer just to be with you.

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