Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Separate Peace Quote Analysis

Quote: "The words shocked Phineas into awareness. He whirled as though being attacked from behind. 'You get the rest of the facts, Brinker!' he cried. 'You get all your facts!' I had never seen Finny crying, 'You collect every f-ing fact there is in the world!' He plunged out the doors."


I had become evident from the last few chapters that Finny had changed from his usually cheery demeanor. However, it is in this chapter that Finny actually exhibits full on emotional behavior. It shows that underneath Finny's uncaring attitude, there is fear; Fear of learning the truth, and even more-so, fear of accepting it. Phineas may not want to change, but it seems like he does not have a choice in the matter.

Question: What is it with Brinker wanting to know the truth so badly? Didn't he just say in this chapter that he'd accepted that Phineas had been crippled, and that was the end of it?

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