Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Separate Peace Quote Analysis

Quote: "So to Phineas I said, 'I'm too busy for sports,' and he went into his incoherent groans and jumbles of words, and I thought the issue was settled until at the end he said, 'Listen pal, if I can't play sports, you're going to play them for me,' and I lost part of myself to him then, and I soaring sense of freedom revealed that this must've been my purpose from the first; to become a part of Phineas." (85)


It seems here that Gene is either exited about his new role, or horrified by it. It could actually be a mixture of both. He did want to be Phineas, after all. Still, he may be fearful that he would one day feel the same disdain for himself that he felt for Phineas. It's obvious that he's going to set out to be the next Phineas, but how will he do it?

Question: Just how is Gene feeling about what Phineas said?

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