Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dantes' Role as God

Nathaniel Burns-Sarno
Advanced Placement English/Mr. George
September 9, 2009
The Count of Monte Cristo Notes
Dantes’ Role as God
“’You are my son, Dantes,’ exclaimed the old man. You are the child of my captivity. My profession condemns me to celibacy. God has sent you to me to console, at one and the same time, the man who could not be a father and the prisoner who could not get free’”. (Dumas 201)
“’And now, my dear friend,’ said Faria, “sole consolation of my wretched existence-you whom heaven gave me somewhat late, but still gave me, a priceless gift, and for which I am most grateful…”.(206)
This quote, spoken by Faria, is the first time in the novel that Dantes is compared to a servant of God. This perhaps lead to Dantes making his own assumptions about his relationship with God. If that is true, Faria would be to blame for putting such an idea into Dantes head. Also, since Faria was responsible for Dantes obtaining his wealth, it could be assumed that Faria in a sense created the Count of Monte Cristo.
“’And now,’ said the unknown, “farewell kindness, humanity, and gratitude! Farewell to all the feelings that expand the heart! I have been Heaven’s substitute to recompense the good; now the God of vengeance yields to me his power to punish the wicked!”(329)
This is the defining quote in Dantes’ taking on the role of God. He has found his mission and purpose and intends to see it through to the end. He now seeks to punish those who do wrong in the world, possibly so that no one else will have to share the fate he was given. His humility seems to have disappeared, but he still retains his attitude toward justice, going so far as to cast off his own innocence so that he may defend the innocence of others.
It should be noted that Dantes takes on the persona of a vengeful God, rather than a loving one. He does not so much care for the meek as he does vanquish the proud. While there may be some form of love for the meek expressed his actions, it never sees any light through the cloud of vengeance he creates.

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